Cellmid 2018 Annual Report
Remuneration policy and performance
As at 30 June 2018 no executive of the Group had remuneration that was ‘at risk remuneration’.
Remuneration details for the year ended 30 June 2018
Details of the remuneration of the directors and key management personnel of the Group (as defined in AASB 124 Related Party
Disclosures) and the highest paid executives of Cellmid are set out in the following tables.
* Amount includes consulting fees paid to Direct Capital Group Pty Ltd. Ms Halasz is also the director of Direct Capital Group
Pty Ltd (“DCG”) who provides consulting services to the Group. The contract between the Group and DCG is based on normal
commercial terms. In addition to the above Ms Halasz was paid $155,077 through DCG in accumulated leave entitlements
during the year. This amount was disclosed as remuneration in previous years’ annual reports. Refer to below for further details.
^ Dennis Eck is expected to be remunerated on an equity basis, subject to shareholders’ approval at the next Annual General
Meeting of the Group. In the event that shareholders’ approval is not received he will receive the equivalent remuneration to
other non-executive directors in cash.
2018 Cash salary Employee Employee
fees entitlements entitlements Superannuation Options Total
$ $ $ $ $ $
Non-executive directors
David King 65,000 - - 6,175 - 71,175
Bruce Gordon 50,000 - - - - 50,000
Fintan Walton 50,000 - - - - 50,000
Martin Cross 35,641 - - 3,386 - 39,027
Dennis Eck^ - - - - - -
Total non-executive directors 200,641 - - 9,561 - 210,202
Executive directors and key management
Maria Halasz* 428,538 18,457 4,696 22,800 - 474,491
629,179 18,457 4,696 32,361 - 684,693
Long-term employment Share-based
Short-term benefits benefits benefits payments