Cellmid 2018 Annual Report
2018 2017
$ $
(a) The major components of income tax expense comprise:
Income tax expense (2,430) (35,597)
(b) Numerical reconciliation of income tax expense to accounting loss:
Loss for year before income tax expense (3,730,185) (4,446,676)
Prima facie tax benefit on loss from ordinary activities before income tax at
27.50% (2017: 27.50%) (1,025,801) (1,222,836)
Add / (less) tax effect of:
Adjustment for tax-rate differences in foreign jurisdictions (18,878) (136,957)
Share-based payments 30,632 4,925
Sundry items 243,684 350,878
Research and development expenditure 159,715 329,154
Tax losses not brought to account 608,218 639,239
Income tax expense (2,430) (35,597)
The Group operates across three tax jurisdictions being Australia, Japan and USA each with different corporate tax rates.
(c) Unused tax losses
Australia Japan USA Total
Movements in unused tax losses $ $ $ $
Carried forward unused tax losses at the
beginning of the financial year 19,704,380 1,957,069 547,825 22,209,274
Prior period differences between tax
calculation and income tax return (144,755) - - (144,755)
Actual carried forward unused tax losses at the
beginning of the financial year 19,559,625 1,957,069 547,825 22,064,519
Current unused / (used) tax losses for which no
deferred tax asset has been recognised 2,281,965 (344,783) 274,520 2,211,702
Carried forward unused tax losses at the end
of the financial year 21,841,590 1,612,286 822,345 24,276,221
Notional tax rate 27.50% 27.80% 21.00%
Potential future tax benefit 6,006,437 448,216 172,693 6,627,346